LFY-667A Textiles heat insulation tester

LFY-667A Textiles heat insulation tester

Main purpose

Used to test the insulation performance of contact type kitchen insulation products such as insulated gloves and insulation pads.

technical parameter

1. A heating system with stable temperature control up to room temperature ~300 ℃± 2 ;

2. Thermocouple measurement range: 0~350 ℃± 0.5 ;

3. Heating surface: 150mm * 150mm;

4. Metal weight block: 910g ± 45g, bottom diameter 32mm ± 1mm;

5. Test time timer: 0~99.99/s/m, accuracy: ± 0.01s;

Applicable standards

GB/T 39074-2020 Textiles—Testing and evaluation for heat insulation